I think that my favorite piece of tecnology is my cellphone. I got my first one when i was only 8 years old (this device still had the game about the snake). Every day in the morning, I use this to read the news. This way is less expensive than buying a newspaper. Also, I listen the online frecuency of radio Cooperativa and radio Bío Bío. Some podcasts too. I see a lot of videos and moovies, and once in a while I check my profiles on differents social media like Instagram, Tinder or Facebook. But mostly, i use that to read books and listen music on Youtube. I like it cause is easier and faster to use than my computer. I can use it everywhere and there is no complication, cause it is small and lightweight. If I had a life without a cellphone, I would probably have more time than I have now. Also, I would be more disconected and desinformated.